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[ BB ] 初生嬰兒沐浴示範及須知


寶血醫院(明愛) X 【施巴】─ 由註冊護士示範如何為初生嬰兒洗澡、護理臍帶及按摩 HD (廣東話-繁中文字幕) At First I Was Scared By How She Was Bathing This Baby, But Now I See That It's Magical. A French Nurse named Sonia Rochel has developed an incredibly unique baby bath technique, which looks a little odd at first, because she submerges the baby’s eyes and ears in water. Yet, slowly but surely it becomes clear that the baby just loves it! While she bathes the baby in warm water, she allows the infant to direct the bath. Her bathing technique mimics the womb, and watching this tiny angel relax and smile is simply marvelous. Read more at http://blog.petflow.com/baby-bath/#X2tSzeXFQZW7H3Rr.99


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